Friday, November 13, 2009

For UK Car Drivers!! Sign up Against The New Road Traffic act. Stop Govenment Taking more tax of us.?

For those who may be interested

Democracy in action?

The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having to

purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use


The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC,

the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery

driver. A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid

£86 in one month. On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be

tracked. Somebody will know where you are at all times. They will also know

how fast you have been going, so even if you accidentally creep over a

speed limit in time you can probably expect a Notice of Intended

Prosecution with your monthly bill.

If you care about our freedom and stopping the constant bashing of the car

driver, please sign the petition on No 10's new website (link below) and

pass this on to as many people as possible.

For UK Car Drivers!! Sign up Against The New Road Traffic act. Stop Govenment Taking more tax of us.?
Yes, already done so, and passed it on to many!!!
Reply:why bother

has any one noticed how the UK is becoming communistic

we are not just paying through the nose but the **** and anything else that lives
Reply:what ever next. will there be any point in working, if everyone in the uk stopped using there cars for a week and all used puplic transports they will **** them self. we'd come to a stand still. how would they cope.

i know it will never happen but god how funny would it be.
Reply:Have already signed the petition and forwarded it to everyone in my address book.
Reply:I know that this is not a question, but I am delighted that you are bringing this evil, fascistic totalitarian legislation to people's attention.

I have signed this petition and I would also urge everyone who visits the No.10 petition website to alsosign the petition calling for ID cards to be scrapped.

I read today of the English national ballet facing mass protests f by a bunch of thugs who claim to be against fascism. They are facing these protests for having a Ballerina who exercises her totally legal right to be a member of a political party. she's a member of the BNP.

The anti fascist demonstrators would do better to target and protest against the real fascists who are actually in power now!

I urge everyone to sign this petition too.
Reply:Hopefully this government won't get in again at the next election, so none of this might ever happen. And even if it does, the public will simply not stand for it.

If it really is going to be as expensive as you claim and in line with inflation or increasing faster, then there will be a total revolt againt it by the public. There will be court cases brought by people against it based on the violation of human rights, and millions of people will find ways around the system by installing a chip or something so the devices malfunction.

If it turns out to be as unreasonable as you've implied, i certainly won't stand for it. I shall sign that petition aswell.
Reply:good man. signed and forwarded.
Reply:Signed it...I'm from Brighton too, see my rant...
Reply:The golden public sector pension liabilities (retire at 60, full salary etc.. etc.. ) amount to £1 trillion pounds - thats 1 years economic activity in all UK productive industries.

In real world terms, this means every worker in the UK has to pay £28,000 over his working life, towards someone elses golden pension, before he starts to think about affording his own pension or housing needs. (And its all inflation linked!).

How else are they to raise this money?

Hence we have the introduction of a population register, with draconican fines for forgetting to fill in forms, and where you will be scanned by the state with your fingerprints taken, and also monitors placed on your car journeys to raise taxes. The tracking device will cost about £200 - add to that the cost of your own tracking card - £90!.

This £28,000 per adult, are real payments which they have to somehow force individuals to make.

Using the political cover of a green agenda, and terrorism, they are bringing in these measures to raise tax collection. No mainstream poltical party has the backbone to take on the public sector unions over reform. Not the conservatives or labour.

The ONS has managed to keep this huge amount off the balance sheet of the UK, by claining it does not fall into some or other accounting convention or other nonsense.

This has been 'accepted' by the debt rating agencies like S%26amp;P, Moodys, Fitch because the rating agencies have been waiting for reform of the public sector to materailise from the many promised pension reforms (Turner review).

Now its rapidly obvoius that reform has not come about, and nor will it - the powers to collect immense levels of taxes are to come about instead by monitoring all activity by individuals. .

The UK's A1 debt rating may be placed under credit watch, and then even downgraded.

The financial consequences from this immense taxation means "in the decades that followed, the situation would look dire indeed, becoming similar to what we see in countries like Egypt or the Ukraine"

(Moritz Kraemer of Standard %26amp; Poor's, the world's leading ratings agency.)

motor scooter

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