Monday, May 11, 2009

Pay as you go road tax?

Sarah Kennedy was talking about this proposed car tax scheme on Radio 2. Apparently there are only a few days left to register your objection to the 'Pay As You Go' road tax.

The petition is on the 10 Downing St website but they didn't tell anybody about it. Therefore at the time of Sarah's comments only 250,000 people had signed it and 750,000 signatures are required for the government to at least take any notice.

Once you've given your details (you don't have to give your full address, just house number and postcode will do), they will send you an email with a link in it. Once you click on that link, you'll have signed the petition.

The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it. The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC, the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery driver. A non working mother who used the car t

Pay as you go road tax?
Lets put it this way - If they start this up, both myself and my wife will have to quit our jobs as we will not be able to afford to get to the City where we work and public transport is not an option. Do you think I could take the government for constructive dismissal or something? After all, it will be because of them that we lose our income!!
Reply:Should be like America, no road tax as the tax is added to fuel. So the more miles you drive, the more road tax you've paid. Very simple solution.

Example. say your car did 40 mpg (4.54 lt to a gallon). You average 12,000 miles a year which is 300 gallons or 1362 litres of fuel. If the Gov want £160 off you, they need to put 12p on a litre of fuel.

Blokey that drives 12,000 has paid £160 in road tax. Obviously the more or less miles you drive, the more or less £ you pay.
Reply:They've stopped any more signings !!!!!!!!!!!! Or should I say they allow you sign but the figure has remained the same since this morning xxxx
Reply:Thanks I signed it a few days ago.Lets hope theres enough signatures to stop this stupid act.
Reply:It was 1100000 + as of yesterday morning. Thanks to people like yourself who have been posting it everywhere. Its amazing how fast your can spread stuff by email!
Reply:I can't see why they need to even contemplate PAY AS YOU GO TAX.

We already have it....if you drive a lot of miles you have to buy a lot of petrol and that is taxed unbelievebly highly. To top it off they then charge you VAT tax on it when you pay as well!!!!!

It's obviously another way for the government to try and sqeeze a few more pounds out of us all.

Don't let em back in next time!!!!!

Rant Over.....

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